3 another visit to mitchell road

han and i went on a mission to find her a new bench for her front porch, we were led a little astray by the delights on offer at mitchell road. take stool below, look familiar?  why, why did i have to see you at a time i am po' folk? i have no currency to collect you chair! please still be there when my wallet is a little more fat...

we went to swoon over everything brian hoy has to offer at drawing room theory

i have put him on the job of finding me a big fat amethyst crystal cluster

hannah bought this bad boy below for.........$45! its a chanel bag in a chair! she has no where for it to go but who could resist?

lightening bolt feet above and anatomy below

this box of bones was a little too tempting for me at $155 but i did resist (for now at least)

and finally - also at DRT - we discovered these heavenly kitchen chopping boards/serving platters in stones and marbles, very heavy but very lovely

xxx c

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  1. LOVE the old compounding pharmacy bottles, they remind me of working in Pharmacy for some reason the pharmacist had a collection out the back.

    The marble serving boards are AMAZING, I hope you're considering buying one!

    I am going to cross my eyes and pray that you get the stool.


  2. Lucky I don't live nearby...that white crystal cluster is sooo beautiful. Everything you pictured is, actually! That little stool has your name on it, I reckon.
    x KL


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