1 life instyle - what i liked

I attended Life Instyle again this weekend. There was lots of the same stuff as last year, faceted pottery, neon perspex, pink painterly linens and neon throw cushions but there were also some very beautiful and different goodies to satisfy a buyer. I went with my girlfriend Kate who owns an interiors shop and what made it even more fun was that when she placed her orders I got to tag in some stuff for myself YAY! The italian wool scarves above and below were insane. Covert when worn and overt when hung up, think motorcycle clubhouse - loved them! Then there was the Indigo shibori dyed raw throws (2 below), reindeer hides and some delicious gold furniture. Unfortunately I can't show you some photos of those as the owner had a sweet fit when I took a photo, extraordinarily rude, his wife was apologising on his behalf so I swiftly left with a bad taste in my mouth and no photos of what I considered the best stuff in the fair. Massive shame as I could have put an order in too :( Overall I'm glad I went to see those who are taking chances with some left of centre goodies.

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1 comment:

  1. i always find it ridiculous when exhibitors are rude to buyers at trade fairs - its happened to me twice in the past few weeks! Aren't we the people they are supposed to be woo'ing??? its especially annoying when they are the ones with the 'good stuff' too! I understand they don't want anyone copying their things, but its not like they dont have them online or in their catalogues. And hello - do they realise the amazing press social media can be these days? #rantover


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