2 diy fest

I have gone a little spray paint mad lately. I originally bought silver for the lamp makeover (below) and then couldn't stop hence the following: I found this bentwood at Vinnie's and knew it would be perfect for our shoot this Saturday, so I painted the F out of her and dipped her feet in gold - my favourite bit!

Before and after...

Then I found this black metal tray at Vinnie's et voila! shiny and new coffee table fodder

I have been scouring my things looking for my next victim so stay tuned...
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  1. Fabulous! More vignettes soon pretty please!! <3

  2. Did you leave the pink chair(?) half painted like that? Looks like a cool 'dipped paint' statement piece.

    I like that even through the spray paint, the wood grains show through. Did you prep it in any way? Or did you just spray away?

    Lovely Shares.



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