1 a chair a day {platner}

Sea of Shoes Living Room via here

Do you remember when I found 8 metal chairs at goodwill? Well I returned a while later only to find them sold (of course) and then I was in Matt Blatt with a friend who was looking for some new furniture when I stumbled upon their version of the Platner chair (designed by Warren Platner in 1966). It is the chair that a certain stylist sits at behind her desk and the chair that I would like to have sitting smugly at my own. The replicas sell for around $750 but they really aren't anywhere near as good as the real deal are they? I really need to start saving my pennies if this infatuation holds...

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1 comment:

  1. Say no to replicas! There's much more satisfaction in saving for something and then owning the real deal... Plus, it's respectful to the original designer.


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